Our Team

We are tightly focused participants supporting aspiring and early stage creators of original content. Whether this is in collaboration as film financers, or supporting investment in earlier stage technology opportunities in the emerging Internet of Things marketplace, our practice has in-depth exposure to growth paths for interesting projects.

At ACI our focus has, and continues to be, investing in creative ideas, driven with passion by motivated thinkers . We enjoy challenges, and we admire independent thinkers. 

We are committed to, in fact choose to invest in, projects of diversity and welcome discussion with you, informally and without obligation.


ACI is typically an active participant in its investments, at no direct cost to the project. This may take the form of mentoring, aiding in the refinement or development of business or scripting plans or future marketing actions.

For successful outcomes, we partner with boutique production houses, like-minded individuals and focused small and mid-cap investor entities.

What we look for